Thursday, March 11, 2010

God's wisdom -- our circumstances

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all..." James 1:5 NIV

When we tap into God's wisdom, it's amazing how clearly things come into focus. With God's wisdom comes a remarkable absence of fear. We're no longer intimidated by circumstances or the opinions of those around us.


Patrinas Pencil said...

Wow, Fran, this is so true! I've experienced it in my life - just with recent circumstances with the care of my dad this past year and now his recent stroke which - for now - has left him an invalid. But god is faithful and He continues to bestow His wisdom when I lack understanding. I am learning to hear the voice of the Lord more readily - and it is helping me to understand and work with Dad's circumstance - He is very FEARFUL! He was an active pastor for 42 years... and now he is controlled by FEAR - which is the opposite of FAITH. This is hard for me to watch - but the Lord is strengthening me and depositing His wisdom into the situations that surround us. Christ did not leave us alone - He sent a comforter and a helper - to be with us in the storms - and to fulfill us in the everyday happenings of our sometimes mundane lives.

There's a song about this verse in the Bible. I just heard it again yesterday. "If anyone lacks wisdom let him ask of God"

Thanks for sharing..
Patrina <")>><

bhojman said...

I am so sorry to hear about your dad. How hard it is see a loved one lose so much, how frustrating for them, and how full of grief for you. I'm sorry to hear of his fear... may God lift that from his heart and bring him to rest and peace in the One who does all things well. Jesus is the peace giver, even when our circumstances are so contrary to peace.
Check out if there's anything that would be a blessing to your dad on my healing prayer blog (
