Good to get some news of Augn San Suu Kyi. She continues to be an inspiration to the Burmese people and to the rest of those who value their freedoms. I cannot begin to imagine what it is like to be under house arrest for such a long time, and to be so isolated from the rest of the world.
The military junta is so afraid of her... and they are terrified to touch her. This is good! And, may it continue until Burma is once again free. It would be wonderful if she were to have to opportunity to become the leader of the country and provide a path back from the depths of the poverty into which Burma has sunk.
God bless Aung San Suu Kyi!
UN diplomat allowed meeting with Suu Kyi - World -
Burma's detained opposition leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, is in good health, a senior United Nations official said after a one-hour meeting, her first contact with an outsider in three years. "She is well, but of course she is still under restriction," Ibrahim Gambari, the UN undersecretary-general for political affairs, said at Bangkok airport on Saturday after his three-day mission to the military-ruled country.
The meeting at a Rangoon guesthouse followed an audience between Mr Gambari and Than Shwe, the ruling military junta's supremo, where the Nigerian envoy said he delivered a message from the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan.
The Nobel peace laureate Ms Suu Kyi, 60, who has been imprisoned or under house arrest for more than 10 of the past 16 years, has had her telephone disconnected and all visitors barred save her housemaid and doctor.
"She feels she has a contribution to make and I hope she will be allowed to make it," said Mr Gambari, the first senior official from the world body to be allowed into Burma in two years.
The US President, George Bush, on Thursday renewed sanctions against Rangoon for failing to take any recognisable steps towards restoring democracy or improving its record on human rights. The Indonesian Foreign Minister, Hassan Wirajuda, echoed the US call for change on Saturday by urging Burma's main trading partners to persuade the junta to allow more democracy.