Wednesday, April 26, 2006

More good news on coffee...

Well, now I'm really happy! I love my coffee and have always believed it was "good" for me. After all the hoo-haa about how bad it was for you, like chocolate, they're finally discovering that coffee is not that much of a problem at all. YEAH!! However, I must add that I don't smoke and drink almost zero alcohol, but I do use aspirin (for arthritis).

Take heart, coffee's not a disease risk after all - World -

Go ahead and have that second cup of coffee - or the third, or fourth. A new study shows heavy, long-term coffee drinking does not raise the risk of heart disease for most people.

The study, which followed 128,000 men and women for as long as 20 years, showed that drinking filtered coffee - not espresso or French-style brews - did not raise the risk of heart disease. Heavy coffee drinkers did tend to smoke and drink alcohol more often and those two factors clearly did raise heart risk, the researchers reported in the journal Circulation.


Researchers also found no link between heart disease and how much caffeine, tea or decaffeinated coffee people drank. But this does not mean everyone can overload on coffee with impunity, said Dr Rob van Dam of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. "We can't exclude the association between coffee consumption and the risk of [heart disease] in small groups of people."

A study published last November found no link between coffee drinking and high blood pressure, but an apparent association with drinking caffeinated sodas. [emphasis added]

Those who drank six or more cups of coffee a day were also more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and use aspirin.


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